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Bonus 1:

Eating for A Healthy Life

In simple terms the body has two very different and complex systems of energy producing sources. As energy is vital to the very existence of human activity and survival the two energy style depend on each other for support.

This book shows you what foods give you the most energy.

Are you eating simply to satisfy your appetite or to make your taste buds happy? Or are you eating in order to take better command of your life? In this eBook, we see how you are able to make your life much more optimal simply by making a point that you eat correctly.

Bonus 2:

Eating Healthy

The key to a healthy diet is to eat the right amount of calories for how active you are so you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use.

If you eat or drink more than your body needs, you’ll put on weight because the energy you do not use is stored as fat. If you eat and drink too little, you’ll lose weight.

You should also eat a wide range of foods to make sure you’re getting a balanced diet and your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs.

This guide covers these essential aspects for eating healthy!

Bonus 3:

Eating Healthy with Organic Food

Organic foods are extremely popular because of their offered health benefits. Unfortunately, not all are aware of this as some are used to eating conventional foods. Others don’t like to eat organic foods because of its cost.

But, what they don’t know is that these foods can offer them more health benefits, which can help them fight diseases and other health risks that may cause death.

In this book, you will know everything about organic foods and why you should consider this kinds of foods in your daily meal. These foods may be quite expensive, but there are ways on how you can save money from buying such foods. 

Bonus 4:

Enhance Your Energy

Everyone suffers from fatigue and exhaustion in their lives for many different reasons.

Whether it’s because they work too hard or don’t get enough sleep at night, or because they have a lot of mental baggage that drains their energy, or they maintain an unhealthy diet.

Both mental and emotional energy is used daily, and in order to keep yourself productive and functional, you have to keep all three aspects energized.

This is a great guide for you to achieve that!

Bonus 5:

Eat Your Way to Calm

Discover a Diet and Lifestyle That Combats Stress.

Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about:

  • your stressbusting diet
  • foods that fight stress
  • putting together your diet plan
  • your active lifestyle
  • best stressbusting exercises
  • your regular routine
  • getting started with exercise
  • lifestyle habits which cause stress
  • lifestyle habits which relieve stress
  • your lifetime relaxation techniques
  • recognizing stressful situations 
  • and so much more!

Bonus 6:

Exploring Cupping Therapy

With the support of natural healing therapy, both physical illnesses and mental ones can be improved, healed, or helped.

This will maximize your chances for complete healing and it will give you the opportunity to make use of some natural “alternative” healing techniques, such as cupping.

This book is meant to offer an introduction to the world of an amazing healing therapy known as cupping (this is an ancient therapy that many celebrities and athletes of today’s world have already turned to)

Bonus 7:

Energy ++ How to Supercharge your Body to Get More Done

Your lifestyle is self-sustaining then and everything you do is supporting that lifestyle and making it harder for you to change. So where can you possibly start?

One of the key things to think about is energy management and planning. Just knowing that you have a finite amount of energy throughout the day and making decisions on that basis.

This guide is about finding lots of little ways to save more time and more energy throughout the day to get more things done!

Bonus 8:

Fat Burn Secrets

Every time you look into the mirror, you might be wondering why people out there are having a nice summer body with full confidence while you are still struggling with your recent-up-sized t-shirt.

You might even be wondering, are you going to be like them one day? Is there any chance for you to change?

Of course, there is. However, the summer body doesn’t come with ease. Many work their butt off to attain their dream body. But, what is important is, you are healthy from the inside out.

Slimming down is good, but slimming down healthily is the key point here. We want you to look into your health first instead of focusing on all the crazy diet plans and exercise regimes

Bonus 9:

Enhanced Mental Health

Mental health is essential in each stage of your life, from childhood, adolescence and adulthood. For those people who are experiencing mental health issues and problems, there is a great chance that your behavior, mood, and thinking will be affected.

You must have an apparent and superior understanding of the effective and useful ways how you can maintain your positive and effective mental health such as developing your coping skills, getting enough hours of sleep, helping others, getting physically fit and active, staying positive, connecting with other people, etc.

Most importantly getting professional advice and help from experts.

Bonus 10:

Fit in 15

The thing about these diets, while you’d imagine they’d get results, seeing as for most of them you’re surviving on very little and making your eating plan extreme, is that they don’t work.

At least, they don’t work long-term, as you always put the weight back on once you’ve finished the diet. Plus, any weight that you lose is never pure body fat – you lose a lot of lean muscle too, and they can often have sickening side effects.

That’s where this book comes in…

Whether you just want to lose a few pounds for a vacation, or you want to blast body fat and look like a cover model, or maybe even your favourite female athlete, this book is for you.

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