What Is CTA? Guide To Optimizing CTA To Increase Conversion Rate In Online Marketing

What Is CTA?

Guide To Optimizing CTA To Increase Conversion Rate In Online Marketing


In Online Marketing, any content or message needs a call to motivate users to take the action you want.

That call to action is called a CTA. So what exactly is a CTA and how to apply it effectively and improve the conversion rate for an Online Marketing campaign?

I’ll answer it for you right below!

What Is CTA?

CTA is an abbreviation of the phrase Call To Action. CTA is a component used to call and motivate users to take an action.

In an Online Marketing campaign, the CTA can be: view more articles, fill out a contact form, register information, download documents, etc.

In other words, the CTA is responsible for navigating the user experience throughout the website.

Or moving to the next stage in any marketing channel (Email Marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Ads…).

In addition to the button form, which is the basic and familiar form. The CTA is also presented in many other forms such as: links, text, images, etc.

The special thing is that in any form, the CTA is good must let the user click or take action on it.

CTA is one of the important components in communication, especially in Marketing Online CTA is used for the purpose of encouraging customers to continue the journey to learn, buy or leave contact information.

For Content Marketing CTA is an indispensable component, It is both a link to help connect and lead users to experience the content on the same topic, as well as a key point for potential customers to become buyers.


The Role Of CTA

In Marketing, attracting the attention and interest of users is not easy. And once you do this, you need to seize the opportunity to turn interested people into your real customers.

Through creating content and using CTAs, you’ll convince them to take the next step in your business’ buying journey.

Therefore, in any marketing strategy (especially Inbound Marketing), no matter how attractive your message or content is, without a CTA, all efforts are wasted by:

CTA Helps Improve Conversion Rate

It can be said that the CTA is like a “signpost” between the “intersections” on the user’s buying journey. It directs users to know what they need to do next.

Or reminds users to take the actions that the business wants, making their journey more purposeful and clear.

This also helps users stay true to the direction that the business gives, avoiding meaningless clicks. From there, each customer action becomes more valuable.

Once done, CTA has led customers closer to the business goals of the business, improved conversion rates across channels, driven sales growth.

In Addition, CTA Also Helps Improve Position On Search Rankings

Thanks to doing SEO, your website will improve its position on search rankings, improving your chances of attracting potential customers.

That is also the ultimate goal that website owners aim for when implementing SEO. So do you think the CTA has an impact on this?

The answer is that CTA will contribute to promoting the process of keywords to the top faster.

This can be explained as follows: as mentioned above. A good CTA should allow the user to take an interactive action.

Therefore, it will improve the click-through rate on the website, resulting in higher page views, and more time on the website.

These are extremely important factors in SEO because Google will rely on these factors to evaluate the quality and credibility of the website, indirectly affecting the position on the search rankings.

Commonly Used CTA Types

CTA is applied in most Online Marketing channels, below I will introduce some of the most common types of CTA.

CTA Collects Leads

The most important goal of this CTA is to collect user information, for the purpose of converting visitors into leads.

You can easily see it in landing pages, blog post content, etc. in many different places on the website.

In addition, CTA to collect leads is also used in advertising activities Facebook, Google…

CTA See More Content

See more content CTA is often used to introduce more content to the reader. Because on one interface, you can’t display all the content for users to see, you need to have a CTA to urge them to click on other articles.

You can set the CTA to see more content on the homepage, blog category, or even inside the article, etc… to best suit your desired purpose.

CTA Discover Products, Services

After each Online Marketing activity, products and services are the ultimate goals that businesses want users to access, choose and use.

So when you have attracted customers, you need to arouse the desire to learn about products and services in them through CTAs.

Social Sharing CTA

Social Media channels support quite effectively all Online Marketing activities, increasing the ability to reach customers for content on the website.

Therefore, each article on the website is often linked with share buttons on different social networking platforms.

Usually, this type of CTA is often included with each blog post so that users can immediately share information they find useful.

In addition to the CTAs above, you will probably come across many other types of CTAs.

However, these are the most basic CTAs that you can easily find on any website or online marketing channel.


Optimize The Following Factors For CTA To Improve Conversion Rate

Each CTA is tied to a specific goal that the business wants to call users to take action.

So if you want to check whether the conversion rate is high or low, you need to determine what the goal of each CTA is.

Then run A/B tests continuously to select the best CTA factor, I suggest you Google Optimize tool to do A/B testing.

The Optimal CTA Should Be In The Form Of A Button

The button isn’t the only form of CTA, but it’s the most familiar to users. So a strong call-to-action that drives the user’s sense of fulfillment should be presented in the form most familiar to them.

Because when experiencing the online environment, users often feel more confident when clicking on what is already familiar.

When they see a button, they immediately know it’s a Call To Action.

This does not mean that every CTA is the same, as you can create many variations by adjusting the colors, design formats (rounded corners, shadows…).

As long as the user can still recognize it when looking at it, it is the shape of a button.

Make Your CTA Stand Out

If you want others to take action on a CTA, you must first make it stand out so that it can “catch” the viewer’s eyes immediately.

The most important element to do this is to use colors that contrast with the other elements.

However, in addition to choosing a contrasting color, you should also make sure the color is in sync with the color of the brand. Aim to create a feeling of familiarity with users.

In addition, the CTA is the component that helps generate leads and drive sales.

So you absolutely should not let the CTA compete with other less important elements on the page.

Because in order to improve conversion rates, CTA must be the most obvious attention-grabbing element.

Choose The Right CTA Placement

There are no rules about where to place the CTA. But to optimize the conversion rate, you need to put it in the right place, at the right time that users care most. Such as:

   [+]   After the values ​​and benefits that you give to customers.

   [+]   If the content is long, you should have more than 1 CTA placed in the appropriate places to prompt users to take action in each piece of content.

   [+]   In addition, CTA is often placed at the end of each piece of content to encourage users to continue the experience. Or complete a goal instead of immediately exiting.

Another caveat when choosing where to place your CTA is to avoid placing them too close together.

Since it will distract the user, don’t know where to click. At this point, the goal you want to accomplish becomes more difficult to achieve.

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